“Triangle”, acrylics on canvas, Athens, 2022

“The Selfie Committee”, 2018-2021, Cambridge UK. Collage of printed selfportraits, acrylics, phrases trouvées.
The artists benchmark your work for your benefit.

“flower meadows”, 4/7 paintings displayed together in the Sainsbury Lab, Cambridge University 2020. Made in Norwich, UK, 2017. Acrylics on paper canvas.

Every painting is unique.

Every flower is unique as well.

Possible allegories include how its impossible to know what is in a lover’s soul. Minds are Turing complete after all, meaning they can be anything they want.

Care was given to depict possible biology of different spatial scales. Each painting focuses on different themes. This one has a bit of the biology patterning of Reaction Diffusion models.


“One life”, Athens Greece, 2010, Oils on balsa wood.

Untitled, oils on canvas, Athens 2005

“Cosmic Egg”, oils on canvas, 2005


“Uproot” 2005, part of a series on trees and sailboats.

“Flower of life” 2004